Service integration issuer information not found. Dynamics 365 On-Prem

When you try to register a new plugin step for a service endpoint (Azure Service Bus) and you receive this error:

Service integration issuer information not found. 

This is due to the CRM App Fabric Issuer certificate not being set on the CRM server.

I'm going to show you the quick and dirty way to fix this issue using a self-signed certificate. You can use a CA issued certificate too though, but this is the quickest way.

As usual, Open PowerShell and run it as Administrator. Then run the following script:

If you can't see the above script click this link

If this ran without any errors you should be able to register your step in CRM. If you received an error, it might be due to the $certificatePath try changing this so the cert isn't right on the C: drive and instead in a folder. Sometimes it makes a difference. If you're still having an issue, feel free to leave a comment.